how to secure my facebook account from hackers - Blog Base Media

how to secure my facebook account from hackers Complete guide.

how to secure my facebook account from hackers.

This is the most complete guide you will find on the Internet today. 
  1. Add email to your Facebook account. 
  2. Add Phone number to your Facebook account. 
  3. Set up Two-factor Authentication. 
  4. Choosing a good strong password. 
To Protect your Facebook account from hackers you should add emails, phone numbers and also set up Two-factor Authentication to strengthen and secure your Facebook account from hackers. 

How do i protect my fb account from being hacked?

Welcome to Blog Base Media. Here I will show you how to prevent scammers and hackers from gaining access to your Facebook account.

Firstly head over to your Facebook app or visit home screen on a web browser, then you will see a menu exactly how it is on the screenshot below, you can see the menu icon marked with a red box? Go ahead and click the icon. 
Is very common to forget your password here's what i do personally I get jotta and write down my password and other login details relating to my Facebook account and emails associated.

So when you click on the icon scroll down and click on settings & Privacy as you can see in the screenshot below. 
Next, Click on See more in Account Center as you can see in the Facebook settings & privacy screenshot below. 

How to Secure my facebook from hackers?

Then Click on Two-factor Authentication to proceed. Now Two-factor Authentication helps you to secure your account. When ever you want to login into your Facebook account on a new device Facebook will send you a code to the phone number you used in setting up this Two-factor Authentication to confirm you are the one trying to login into your account. This code is NOT meant to be shared with any one if you share your code with anyone your Facebook account will be hacked. 
After clicking on the Two-factor Authentication then you are required to choose the account you want to secure on this screenshot your account will always appear first then followed by Facebook pages you've created if you have any. 
After choosing your account Facebook will require you to input your password to be sure you are the one that wants to add security to you account. So go ahead and input your password and proceed to the next step. 
So after inputting your Password you will be required to add your phone number after inputting your phone number a code will be sent to you. Facebook will ask you to input the code sent to your phone number then proceed with the next step. 

So after that Two-factor Authentication has been turned on on your Facebook account. Anytime an unknown person, hacker or scammer tries to login into your account from another device a code will be sent to your phone never send that code to anyone. Because, you are likely to receive a call from the scammer telling you to send the code you just received that they want to help you do blah blah it's all a lie never send that code to anyone. 

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