5 Online scams you should know


Here are 5 online scams you should know and avoid them - Blog Base Media


Is  no longer news that there are bunch of online scams in this modern times,  everyday new online scam techniques are birthed to defraud unsuspecting victims. Below are 5 online scams I have personally encountered online and have taken my time to list and explain them in details to help you avoid them and protect your money and stay safe online and offline.

5 online scams you should know - blog Base Media
Image by Tima Mironichenko

  1. Sporty bet account balance adder: This was meant to steal your credit or dibit card details. They usually message their victims telling them that there is a secrete business they want introduce to them  but they will have to pay them 30% of their profit when the money finally comes. The scope behind this format is to get your private card details and then withdraw funds from your account. So they ask you to open a sportybet account and fund it with your card details then after that they send you a supposed link that will help you multiply or add to your funds automatically, the link that was sent to you is called a Phishing link, once you click that link you will be asked to input your sportybet account login details when you do that they will have access to your sportybet account deatails and then will be able to withdraw funds from your account through your sportybet account because you have already link the account to your card hope you got the scope?                                                                                                                                                                     
  2. Bitcoin Investment: This scam format are used by those smart scammers, they actually pay a developer to build a fake website that looks genuine for bitcoin investments or other crypto coins investment that looks like other genuine crypto currency exchanges. after sending you a format telling you to invest $100 to get $1000 in 2 weeks. Then they  send you the link to the fake website with fake reviews and fake profiles of  people with fake testimonial to convice you. then after registering you are prompted to deposit after depositing a fake dashboard is displayed showing you that your investing was succeful and your profit is reading. The only thing genuine in the website is the deposit function which is linked to the scammer;s wallet finally when is due to get your profit they try to show a juicy offer to get you to deposit more if you don't agree then you are blocked and your money gone.
  3. Online Job offer scams: Here you receive a random call from a total stranger pretending to know you or to be a family member, this incident happened to my elder sister recently I had to enlighten her when she told me about about it. So these set of scammers calls you and offer you a Job in a big company or a big position in a Government institution so they tell you there's a current recruitment and will soon be occupied and they can help you secure the job all you have to do is send you CV and minimum payment of $60 or more depends on the scammer some charge you N50,000 or N100,000 and even send their office address where you can see them in person most of those office are fake and immediately you pay that money they tell you to come back the next day for the appointment when you go back the next day you won't find him there or see any traces of him. My best advice is never pay anyone money to get a job.
  4. Fake Bank Customer Care: This scamming techniques is popular but people are still falling victim. Sometimes you receive a text message or a random phone call from a man telling you that he's customer care of bank you are using that he's calling you to notify you of a current bank account upgrade this tactice is almost similar to the Sporty bet account adder the aim is to still your credit or debit card details and then steal your funds. So they tell you that they want to upgrade your account that if you don't upgrade it then you might to be able to use your bank account for transactions soon. Then they ask for your account number, the cv 3 digit number at the back of your card, the ATM card number, the expiring date once they get that information your money is gone. No bank customer care will ask you for your bank details or call you in the first place. Also educate your kids not to give strangers any information over the phone while you are not there, a Friend of mine almost got his bank account wiped due to the ignorance of his kid stay safe out there and be smart.
  5. Cheap Browsing Data Scams: I was actually scammed by the scammer that useed this tactice though i delibrately allowed him just to test if he's genuine so he actually got away with N500 lol. So this particular tactice is to entice you with cheap data rates imagine geting 1gb of data or 1 gigabyte of data for N150? So the scammer message you and show you their cheap data rates once you pay they give you excuse to pay for a higher plan that's for example you paid N150 for the 1 gigabyte he/she will tell you that it was't able to be processed that if you paid for the N5000 for 2 terebyte  then you will be credited with your data if you pay they will give another excuse to get you to pay more if you disagree then they block you and your money is gone.

Pro Tips

  • Don't send money to anyone to get job online
  • Don't input your personal deatails like passwords and credit cards on strange websites
  • Don't reveal your card details to anyone NOT even bank customers
  • Be mindful of sudden cheap services different from the usual know ones
My name is Emmanuel Sitemaife you can follow me on my social media to even know me more. You can check out some of  my older articles listed below it may be of help to you, and don't forget to share.


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