C++ Tutorials For Complete Beginners - Blog Base Media

Welcome to Blog Base Media, here you will learn the c++ language from a beginner to a professional programmer in this c++ Tutorials For complete Beginners

Introduction to C++ 

What is C++?

C++, a powerful and versatile language, provides programmers with the ability to create high-performance applications that can run seamlessly across different platforms. Bjarne Stroustrup, the mastermind behind C++, extended the foundations of the C language to introduce this remarkable programming language. One of the notable strengths of C++ lies in its ability to grant programmers a high level of control over system resources and memory. This fine-grained control allows developers to optimize their code for efficiency, making it an ideal choice for applications that demand optimal performance. Over the years, C++ has undergone significant updates to enhance its capabilities. Notably, in 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2020, major updates were introduced, namely C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++20, respectively. These updates brought forth a range of new features, improved syntax, and expanded libraries, enabling developers to harness the full potential of the language and write more efficient and expressive code.

Why You Should Learn and Use C++

C++ reigns as a programming language of extraordinary prominence, capturing the hearts of developers worldwide with its immense popularity.

It weaves its way intricately into the fabric of modern operating systems, Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), and embedded systems, embodying a ubiquitous presence across diverse technological landscapes.

As an object-oriented programming language, C++ bestows a coherent structure upon programs, endowing them with clarity and facilitating code reuse, ultimately mitigating development costs.

C++ boasts portability as one of its defining virtues, empowering developers to craft applications that gracefully adapt to various platforms, transcending the boundaries of compatibility.

What sets C++ apart is its inherent allure and innate simplicity, making the learning journey an enjoyable and captivating endeavor.

Furthermore, owing to its close affinity with C, C#, and Java, C++ facilitates a smooth transition for programmers, enabling effortless migration between these languages, thereby expanding the horizons of their coding prowess.

The Difference between C and C++

C++ emerged as a magnificent evolution of the C language, intricately entwined with a remarkably familiar syntax that resonates with programmers.

Yet, within this shared heritage lies a transformative distinction: C++ unveils a captivating realm where classes and objects come to life, unravelling a tapestry of possibilities previously uncharted in the realm of C. It is this defining feature that sets C++ apart, igniting the power of encapsulation, abstraction, and object-oriented programming, thereby transcending the boundaries of C's domain.

In this vibrant landscape, C++ offers a sanctuary where data and behavior elegantly converge, enabling programmers to sculpt intricate hierarchies, encapsulate functionality, and unlock the true potential of reusable code. The emergence of classes and objects within C++ heralds a paradigm shift, unfurling a new era where software components evolve into vibrant entities, dancing harmoniously in the symphony of software development.

In essence, while C and C++ share a common linguistic ancestry, it is the transformative presence of classes and objects that casts a radiant glow upon C++, illuminating a world where programming transcends the confines of procedural limitations, opening doors to boundless creativity and innovation.

Lets Get Started

Welcome to this beginner-friendly C++ tutorial! In this guide, we'll introduce you to the fundamental concepts of C++ programming. No prior coding experience is required.

Let's dive right in and get started with the basics of C++!

Getting Started in C++ 

To begin programming in C++, you'll need two essential components:

1. A text editor: This is where you'll write your C++ code. You can use a simple text editor like Notepad, which is available on most operating systems.

2. A compiler: This tool translates your C++ code into a language that the computer can understand and execute. One popular compiler is GCC (GNU Compiler Collection). It takes your code and generates an executable file that can be run on your computer.

In this tutorial, we'll be using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which combines the functionality of a text editor and a compiler, providing a more convenient and streamlined coding experience.

Installing IDE for C++ 

An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software program that provides a complete package for writing, editing, and compiling code in one place. It includes a user-friendly text editor for writing code, a built-in compiler that translates the code into a format that the computer can understand, and often offers debugging tools to help identify and fix errors in the code.

Popular IDE options, such as Code::Blocks, Eclipse, and Visual Studio, are widely used and freely available. While web-based IDEs exist, they may have limited functionality compared to standalone IDEs. You can download Code::Blocks from codeblocks.org/downloads/binaries

Another perfect IDE for programming in C++ is CLION but is not free, you can use the software on trial for 30 days after that you are required to purchase a membership and you can download this software on jetbrains.com

C++ Tutorials For Complete Beginners - Blog Base Media

C++ Tutorials For Complete Beginners - Blog Base Media

Here's a simple guide to getting started with C++:

1. Open Codeblocks if you are using codeblocks
2. Create a new empty file.
3. Write the following code:

#include <iostream>
int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello, World!";
    return 0;

4. Save the file as "myfirstprogram.cpp".
5. You're all set! You've successfully created your first C++ program.

Don't worry if you don't understand the c++ code above - we will discuss it in detail in later chapters. For now, focus on how to run the codes above.
When you run the code above the result should look like this:


Hello World!

Syntax of C++ 

Let's explain in details the following code to understand it better:

Explained Details

Line 1: The `#include <iostream>` statement adds the functionality of input and output objects to our C++ program by including the "iostream" header file. "i" means input, "o" means output then stream which is iostream.

Line 2: The `using namespace std;` statement enables us to use names from the standard library without explicitly specifying the "std" namespace.
No worries! Consider `#include <iostream>` and `using namespace std;` as standard components that are commonly included in your program setup.

Line 3: A blank line is included to enhance code readability, although C++ ignores whitespace.

Line 4: The `int main()` function serves as the starting point of a C++ program, where any code within its curly braces `{}` will be executed.

Line 5: The `cout` object, used with the insertion operator `<<`, outputs or prints text. In this example, it displays "Hello, world!".

Note: Each C++ statement should end with a semicolon `;`.

Note: The body of `int main()` could also be written as `int main() { cout << "Hello, world!"; return 0; }`.

Remember: The compiler disregards whitespace, but adding multiple lines enhances code readability.

Line 6: `return 0` concludes the `main()` function.

Line 7: Remember to include the closing curly brace `}` to properly terminate the `main()` function.

Excluding namespace std;

Certainly! In certain C++ programs, you may come across the exclusion of the `using namespace std;` line. Instead, the `std` keyword followed by the `::` operator is used to refer to specific objects from the standard library.


#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::cout << "Hello World!";
  return 0;

You have the choice of including or excluding the standard namespace library in your C++ program.


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